New Apps On The Way!
Now that our network issues have been resolved, we are hard at work with new apps. We don\'t want to divulge too much yet, but we have two apps being worked on that deal with beverages (one being beer), and a few games we hope to have released not too long from now.
Package Buddy Pro has finally been updated with the ability to sync your packages with any Android device and our new website: Package-Buddy.com. Please let us know if you have any problems, questions, suggestions, or carrier requests.
Also regarding Package Buddy, if you happen to stop in a Verizon store, keep your eyes open for this years holiday promotion poster where Package Buddy is among other hot apps. Please feel free to take a photo with you phone and email it to us at contact[at]partial-software.com. We\'ll post the pictures we receive on the website.
Last, but not least, thank you everyone who has supported us our apps with positive reviews, ratings, and have emailed us to help us make a product we all can enjoy.